How to treat Common Cold?

How to treat Common Cold?

A Sick Man Wiping His Nose with Tissue. Man suffering from common cold

Common Cold is very common in the winter, affecting the upper respiratory tract and are caused by viruses. At the first sign of cold symptoms, you may look for medications to help relieve bothersome symptoms. But what medications actually help you?

Common Cold treatment

It is true that there is no cure for the common cold, but there are some over-the-counter medicines that help relieve symptoms and pain. Some of the medicines that will help you:

  • Pain relievers if you have fever and pain. It is preferable to use acetaminophen such as Panadol or Brufen. But avoid using aspirin to kids or teenagers, because it may cause Reye’s syndrome, which can cause death.
  • Use antihistamines to dry out the nose, such as Clarinase, Claritin or Zyrtec. You can also use nasal steroids such as Flonase.
  • Decongestants in case of a stuffy nose. Use Otosan nasal wash.
  • To relieve cough, you can use Otosan ForTuss.
  • To relieve a sore throat, try Strepsils throat lozenges.

You can also use Panadol Cold and Flu, which contains a pain reliever and an antihistamine, to help treat several symptoms with one medication. You can contact the pharmacists at Al-Thiqa pharmacy to find out which medicines are suitable for you.

Important notes

  • You do not need to use antibiotics to treat colds or flu because they are caused by viruses that cannot be treated with antibiotics. Using antibiotics for infections it can’t cure makes the antibiotics less effective at treating the infection they’re meant to treat.
  • Note that some cold medicines contain acetaminophen, so check the contents of each medicine and do not take acetaminophen doses more than four grams per day.
  • People with liver damage or liver problems should consult their doctor first before taking medicines that contain acetaminophen.

Home tips

  1. Stay hydrated and drink warm fluids that can prevent dehydration and relieve congestion.
  2. Avoid salty foods, alcohol, coffee and sugary drinks that can cause dehydration.
  3. To reduce pain and swelling from a sore throat, gargling with salt water with about 1 teaspoon of salt per cup of warm water can help.
  4. Humidify the air. Dry air can aggravate a sore throat. Place a shallow container of water, especially near a heat source, to help moisten the room.

Rest and sleep will help strengthen your immunity. Make sure you sleep eight to 10 hours a night.