6 Tips to minimize Scar formation

6 Tips to minimize Scar formation

Sad kid blowing on wound at home. Scar formation due to wounds.

Anyone can get injured while doing everyday tasks, for example you definitely get cuts at least once a month while you are cooking. But it is not usual for these wounds or burns to turn into scar, and even cause a lot of inconvenience and distress. Let’s learn more about scars before we know tips to reduce their formation.

What are scars?

It is a natural process that the body performs as part of the healing process after the skin has been damaged or cut by growing new tissue to tighten the wound and fill in any voids resulting from the injury. Scar tissue is primarily made of a protein called collagen. Scars can result from accidents, burns, surgery, acne, and disease. Most scars disappear with time.

Tips to minimize scars

A scar is a natural part of the healing process, and its appearance often depends on how well the wound has healed. To reduce the appearance of scars from injuries such as deep cuts:

  1. Keep the wound clean by washing the affected area gently with mild soap and water.
  2. Use Vaseline to keep the wound moist to help the injured skin heal. Because Vaseline prevents the wound from drying out and forming a crust and helps prevent the scar from becoming too large or deep. Get yours from Al thiqa pharmacy.
  3. Cover the skin with an adhesive pad and change it daily to keep the wound clean while it heals.
  4. If you need stitches, follow your doctor’s advice about how to care for the wound and when to remove the stitches.
  5. Wear sunscreen on the wound after it has healed. Sun protection helps reduce red or brown discoloration and helps the scar fade faster.
  6. Eat foods rich in Vitamin D or C to help your skin heal.

Scar therapy

Several treatments can make scars smaller or less noticeable. Treatment depends on several factors, including:

  • The type, size, and location of the scar.
  • If the scar causes you pain or affects your ability to move.
  • Your age and the age of the scar.

On this basis, the doctor recommends a technique such as:

  • Chemical peeling to reduce skin damage, in which the upper layer of the skin is removed to help the skin regenerate and improve its appearance.
  • Collagen injections to replace the natural collagen lost by the body.
  • Cortisone injections, which sometimes help soften hard scars and then shrink them.
  • Laser resurfacing, which uses high-energy light to burn off damaged skin.

Caring for your wounds and burns from the beginning will help you avoid scar formation. So, start care from the beginning and keep Vaseline and sunscreen on hand.