Your guide to caring for your kid’s teeth

Your guide to caring for your kid’s teeth

Little boy brushing his teeth diligently in bathroom. Kidsโ€™ teeth care. Dental care. Kidโ€™s teeth

Did you know that caring for kidsโ€™ primary (milky) teeth is very important? Although it falls out after a while to show permanent teeth, it is very important. Because it helps kids chew food and speak properly and preserves the spaces in the gums for the emergence of permanent teeth in the future. Thatโ€™s why you should take special care of your kidโ€™s teeth.

Tooth decay can also cause problems with eating, sleeping, socializing, and absence from school, so maintaining a regular dental cleaning routine is essential for good dental health. You can follow these tips to help your kid keep their teeth free of cavities.

When should you begin caring for your kidโ€™s teeth?

Most of the time you will expect that the beginning is with the appearance of the first baby teeth, but the truth is that you have to take care of your baby’s teeth even before the first teeth appear. Teeth begin to form already in the second trimester of pregnancy. Whereas at birth, your baby has 20 primary teeth, some of which are fully developed in the jaw!

How to take care of your kid’s primary teeth?

  • Run a clean, wet washcloth over your baby’s gums to remove harmful bacteria even before your baby starts teething.
  • When your kid gets teeth, brush them with an infant’s toothbrush. Use water and toothpaste in an amount roughly the size of a grain of rice.
  • Your kid should learn to spit while brushing teeth at the age of two.
  • When your kid is three years old, increase the amount of paste to the size of a pea.
  • Supervise kids under 8 while brushing their teeth, as they may swallow toothpaste. Don’t let kids run around with a toothbrush in their mouth.
  • Make sure that your kids do not eat or lick the toothpaste out of the tube. Guide your kid’s hand until he feels the right movement.
  • Brush your kidโ€™s teeth twice a day for about two minutes.
  • Use a mirror to help your kid see exactly where the brush is brushing his teeth.
  • Try to make brushing your kidโ€™s teeth as enjoyable as possible.

Habits that affect dental health

Prevention is always preferable to therapy. Of course, the greatest preventative is to establish a kidโ€™s teeth care routine. Remember that even kids may get dental decay! So

  • Avoid putting the baby to sleep with a feeding bottle, as it may cause tooth damage. Because the sugars in juice, formula or milk that remain on a kidโ€™s teeth for hours can erode the tooth coating that protects against tooth decay.
  • Use a drinking cup (with a straw or regular spout) rather than the feeding bottle when your baby is 6 months old. It will help prevent fluid from collecting around the baby’s teeth. By their first birthday, they will have the motor skills and coordination to use the cup on their own.

Tooth decay … What is the solution?

Tooth decay can be avoided by following the above tips and taking care of your oral health. But if your kidโ€™s primary teeth are affected by decay, then you should visit the dentist to ask him about proper and suitable kidโ€™s teeth care advice.

Neglecting kid tooth decay can lead to pain in the mouth and problems in the surrounding teeth. Also, severe decay in a kid’s teeth can affect eating and sleeping, which can slow growth.