Your guide for a healthy Ramadan

Your guide for a healthy Ramadan

Who doesn’t enjoy Ramadan dishes like fried samosas, oriental desserts, and deep-fried meals? We are well aware that these are all unhealthy foods that can ruin our health. But it didn’t end there, since most of us felt full, stuffed, and bloated and became unable to move after the Iftar feast.

Of course, no one wants to spend their spiritual time in this manner, and that is not how we express our gratitude to God for our health. So, let us put an end to any unhealthy habits and make Ramadan a new beginning for a better and healthier life; let us focus on this spiritual month to balance our physical and spiritual needs.

Here is your guide to developing healthy habits and having a healthy Ramadan. The holy month is the ideal opportunity to replace harmful habits with good ones and to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Don’t lose it.

Health benefits of fasting

Before we can move on to healthy habits, we must first understand the health benefits of fasting. Fasting affects us in many ways depending on how many hours we fast every day. But usually, our bodies consume glucose stores to provide energy before switching to lipids. As a result, fasting helps in:

  • Losing weight.
  • Better controlling diabetes and lower blood pressure as a result of weight loss.
  • Maintaining muscle & reducing cholesterol levels in the long term.
  • Detoxification of the body.
  • Improvement of mental health and a higher level of alertness after a few days of fasting as a result of the high level of some hormones in the blood.

Have a healthy Ramadan

Make healthy choices

Some simple changes will make the foods you eat very healthy, for example:

  • Eat a handful of roasted nuts instead of unhealthy processed snacks.
  • Choose foods made with whole grains instead of white bread, fortified pasta, and sugary cereals.
  • Instead of frying, use grilling, baking in the oven, or steaming to prepare dishes.
  • Indulge in traditional Iftar desserts, but in small portions. It is preferable to replace it with healthy alternative fruit.

Drink more water

Adults need 2-3 liters of water every day. So be sure to drink plenty of fluids during Iftar hours to help your body perform its functions optimally and to avoid dehydration. So:

  • Drink unsweetened juices or milk.
  • Try to avoid coffee, tea, and soda as much as possible, because the caffeine in them causes increased urination.
  • Make broth or soup an essential part of your Iftar.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, zucchini, and spinach because most of them consist of water and can help replace fluids.

Get ready for the next day

Doing your activities and planning your meals after Iftar will help provide you with the energy needed for fasting the next day, remember to

  • Rest is important, but make sure you stay awake long enough to replace the fluids and nutrients your body lost during the fasting period.
  • Eat well-balanced meals that include bread, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, milk, yogurt or cheese.
  • Focus on foods that release energy slowly. These include foods that are high in fiber (such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) and foods that contain complex carbohydrates (wheat, beans, lentils, and rice).
  • Stay active.

Follow these simple tips to stay in good health while fasting and enjoy a healthy Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak.